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Sit/Stand Desks to Customize Boxx Office Workstation

“I bought a standing desk because my Apple Watch was driving me crazy,” said a work colleague to me over coffee last week. All of the prodding to stand prompted a search for a new customized workstation that included a sit/stand desk. The good news is that a sit/stand desk works well in both a Model C and a Model F version of a Boxx office studio and we can help you with the placement, and make sure that you have electrical outlets in the right places to support not only the desk but also all of the screens and computers on top of the desk.

This Model C features a sit/stand desk alongside exercise equipment with a TV on the wall for news updates during the day.

We have all heard that sitting is the new smoking, so reduced sedentary time is good. But why is standing, so good for you? Standing and moving around a bit increases blood flow and oxygen levels, which has a benefit on your energy level. And hunching over is often a natural extension of sitting, so standing helps improve posture. Even with all of the ergonomic bells and whistles, how easy is it to fall into the bad habit of curling over your laptop?

Movement during the day - even if just standing up and down at regular intervals - helps with an overall reduction in tight shoulders and hips, increased metabolism and lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This is why an Apple Watch constantly pings you to stand up.

The beauty of a backyard office studio is that you can walk back into the house for a snack or to make a cup of tea, and remote work also gives you the benefit of less commuting time so more time to schedule a workout. Even if you just want a very customized sit/stand workstation to address the issue of sitting too much, we will help you design the office studio that works for you.

Rendering of a Model F with sit/stand desk, chic vibe and colorful acoustic wall in orange.