Who Coined the Term “She-Shed?”
A "She Shed" is a small, private space that is separate from the main house and is often used as a workspace or retreat. How did this term leap into our everyday language to describe a personal space for women? Some think that a humorous State Farm commercial where the wife’s She Shed is on fire and she is calling her State Farm agent about coverage to rebuild her She Shed is how She Shed rocketed into mainstream usage. There was a humorous undertone where “She Shed Cheryl” was wondering what set it aflame, but she is relieved to be covered and excited about her “chichier” She Shed replacement.
There is also a thought that if men have man caves as a place of their own for work, hobbies, or watching sports then women should also have a place of their own and She Shed was coined as the term to cover all varieties of that space. The origin of the term is debatable, but the pandemic increased the need for personal space for work, exercise, hobbies or just an escape for a minute to just read a book! There are a number of reasons why a work-from-home millennial mother or father, for that matter, or a single or retired woman might want a She Shed in the backyard.
First, a She Shed provides a dedicated workspace that is separate from the main living areas of the house. This can be especially important for someone who is trying to participate in meetings or complete projects without constant interruptions. By having a separate space to work, a mother can focus on her work without the distractions and interruptions that often come with working from home.
Second, a She Shed can provide some privacy and quiet, which can be especially valuable for someone who is trying to juggle the demands of work and family life. By having a separate space to retreat to, a woman can take a break from the demands of her family and focus on her work or herself for a while.
Finally, a She Shed can be a creative and inspiring space that allows a woman to pursue artistic interests. Whether she uses it as a place to work, relax, or create, a She Shed can be a wonderful addition to any backyard.
Whether you call it a She Shed or your office studio, what would your She Shed vibe be in a Boxx Model C or Model F?