Our Story

In 2020, our homes became offices, gyms, studios and schools overnight. We adapted and found new ways to share, flourish and become even more productive. New work habits formed, allowing us to be closer to our families, develop new hobbies, and focus on our minds and bodies. Boxx was born in response to these new trends as we realized we might need some new personalized space to think, work, play, exercise, and even on some level, escape a busy household for some peace and quiet. We have envisioned a modern space to call your own. A place to mark the transition from home to work and then back home again seamlessly. Allowing you to start a new business, analyze investments, take a Zoom, create a new art form or even roll out a yoga mat at the end of the day to stretch without distraction, while only being steps away from home. Using designer-selected, eco-friendly materials and smart technology, the look and feel of your signature Boxx can be unique to your imagination. We invite you to “Think Inside.” Let’s get started, design your signature Boxx today.

Our Vision

Design beautiful, light-filled spaces. Allow clients to simply make it their own. Deliver it seamlessly with minimal impact.

Our Mission

Help people be successful working, playing, and creating from home.

Our Values

Operate as a socially conscious company with a strong commitment to our customers and stakeholders.

We PLEDGE to always:

Value our amazing team members

Respect our customers with the highest standard of service

Create socially responsible and enduring products

The extended family was brought together by the pandemic – space was tight and a quiet workplace practically non-existent. Born partly out of necessity and partly out of a desire to build something more creative and inspirational than anything available on the market, the first Boxx began to take shape. As the pandemic endured and proved people could be as productive if not more productive at home than in the traditional office, the world began to accept Work from Home was here to stay. So we set out to make the next Boxx even better and to inspire others to find their best WFH solution.

The original Work From Home (WFH) backyard office studio inspired the formation of Boxx.

Case Studies

Boxx Studio Built in Rhode Island as an Artist’s Pottery Studio

Boxx was excited to partner with a ceramic artist in Rhode Island to create a separate Pottery Studio in her backyard. Even though Boxx was formed on the foundation of making working from home during the pandemic manageable and pleasant for those who were used to commuting to the office every day, Boxx is versatile enough to be customized for a variety of purposes. Whether you work at a desk-job on the computer, are an artist, writer, musician, therapist, educator, student, personal trainer or something else, we have a Boxx to suit your needs.

This backyard pottery studio Boxx featured an additional outlet in the middle of the floor to accommodate a pottery wheel. The lighting is perfect to illuminate fine detail work, floors are durable and easy to clean, the doors open wide for extra ventilation when needed and there is enough room for a small kiln and shelving for all the amazing pottery waiting to be fired.

The entire structure was delivered and assembled by a team of four over the course of a single day! That’s the advantage of using pre-fab structural insulated panels (SIPs) which are CNC and laser cut to precision at our factory, wired, insulated and shipped right to the build site ready to be assembled.

Boxx Built a Sleek Two-Toned Office Studio in New England

A financial executive loved his home and his neighborhood, but his job was remote work from home and his existing office space was not working so well. The big perk of working from home is skipping the commute and returning to family life much faster at the end of the work day, but the youngest members of the family couldn’t resist popping downstairs for a visit. Here is the final render and the final Boxx office studio pod.