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Benefits of Natural Light in a Home Office Studio

Have you worked in an interior office, an office without a window? Your whole day is spent in artificial light. I don’t know about you, but I found it to be exhausting and kind of depressing!  It wasn’t about fresh air working in an office with a window in New York City, it was about the natural light. For those of you who created an office in your basement during Covid, how is it going? Many basements have small, ground-level windows and some basements are walk-out. Still, one important feature of a Boxx Office Studio, and what makes the home office studio space so perfect for work from home, is lots and lots of natural light with a wall or corner design of windows.

There are several benefits of natural light in a home office, or any office when working, including:

  • Improved mood: Natural light can boost your mood, which can lead to increased productivity and better performance at work.

  • Increased energy: Exposure to natural light can help regulate your circadian rhythm, which can improve your energy levels throughout the day.

  • Better sleep: Exposure to natural light during the day can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, improving your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

  • Reduced eye strain: Natural light is easier on the eyes than artificial light, which can reduce eye strain and headaches.

Overall, natural light can positively impact your physical and mental health and can improve your overall performance and well-being at work. If you are working in a naturally well-lit home office space, task lighting can be used to enhance your lighting needs when the natural light is not enough. 

Another special benefit of lots of windows in a home office studio is the ability to check out nature! Each season has its own beauty and whether it is snowflakes, spring tulips, thundershowers, or fall foliage, the ability to look out the window for a quick brain break is great for stress reduction. The other really important thing is that you can watch the path of the sun, if it has set and the moon has been out for a while, then that is nature’s nudge to step away for the night and cross back over the backyard from work life to home life.

As the sun sets, nature’s nudge for the work day to end, smart overhead LEDs and task lighting help complete the work day.